Thursday, October 4, 2007

Energy Awareness Week - Mountaintop Removal

Energy Awareness Week has been a success. Last time I held this event it was embarrassing, and could still be considered so in other venues, but for EMU we did well. Next year will be better yet. We have had some wonderful events and speakers during the week (more to come on another post). But right now I would like to focus on my friends doing the good fight against mountaintop removal (MTR), a dastardly process of cutting the tops off mountains to get to the coal, and then filling valleys to create "flat land," in the middle of Appalachia. In the process the coal companies are destroying one of the few remaining traditional cultures in America. Shame. No respect for the land, the mountains, the wildlife, the people.

We were fortunate and had the MTR roadshow give two excellent presentations, educating faculty and students alike to the reality of our electricity - 60% of Michigan's electricity is produced by coal - the dirtiest fossil fuel out there. It is past time to become sustainable, it is time to conserve, to shut off my computer.

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