Thursday, October 25, 2007

Arizona State University (ASU) began as a teacher college in 1885, became a leading research university (Carnegie I )in 1994, and is today one of the leading proponents of Sustainability in the nation. One of the reasons that Sustainability has been able to have a foot hold at ASU is support — from students, administration, faculty, donors, the state, and the University President.

The state has mandated all new state buildings to be silver LEED certified, programs are in place that encourage faculty to work together, students are included in the plans, and — and this is important — the President in on board. Much as I found at Berea, having the support of University President Michael Crow provides a focus at all levels of the schools. For example, ASU is pursuing full carbon neutrality, and has signed the American College & University Presidents Climate Commitment. Bonny Bentzin, a manager of sustainability initiatives said that the cutting the bureaucracy red tape is difficult but having the President involved gives the process gravitas.

Please, please, please, those who are on the committee for another President at EMU, find one who supports sustainability, so that we can give our students an education to prepare them for the future of America.

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