Friday, June 8, 2007


At Appalachian State University in North Carolina they have strong sustainable development and interdisciplinary programs, AND, they have a garden maintained by students.

When I first arrived at EMU in 1999 there was a beautiful greenhouse that was being dismantled in favor of I don't know what, but it sure wasn't in favor of a garden. I was dismayed to hear this happening at the time and still don't understand the decision. Growing a greenhouse garden at EMU would help cut down on transportation costs, fossil fuel burning, and of course, provide students, faculty and administrators with healthy food, something in short supply.

Gardens have many advantages at a school. They are a ready source for food and landscape compost, gets students involved with nature, improves nutrition, just tastes good, and teaches students about where their food comes from! I have experienced having students over to my home for dinner and they have told me they never had a meal cooked from scratch before. It seems unbelievable to me, but true. There is so much to learn. Our health costs are going up, up, up and still people don't eat healthy - such an easy beginning to a more healthy life.

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