Saturday, November 27, 2010

A Time for Thanks and for Thinking

Sometimes the world we live in hits you on the head. Today I have been hit twice with living and understanding the environmental and economic choices we make, and it is only early afternoon.

This morning I made a trip to the market and decided to buy some of the Clementine oranges that are just arriving this season. There were two varieties, both the same price. Which should I buy? I was reading the labels when a lady approached me and asked what was the difference between the two.

"What is the difference between the two?" she asked.
"Well, one is from California and the other from Spain."

She immediately understood and picked up the box from California, as did I.
"Thank you," she gratefully said to me as we continued shopping.

I returned home and began work on the computer. The doorbell rang. As soon as I opened the door I knew I was in for it. Bible under her arm and lovely Midwestern grandmother type smiled and said what a nice home. She began her spiel. It began with "What is the world coming to?"as she opened her booklet of converting me.

She had interrupted my writing on exactly that subject.
"A agree it is a subject we are all concerned about."
"Look," she said, pointing to photos in her booklet of saving grace,"where are we going?"
"I know. I am an educator and these subjects are important in my classes."
After a short conversation about where and what I teach and that I was not really interested in what she was selling (saving me) she asked,"Can I ask you one more question?"
I nodded my head and smiled.
"Do you believe in evolution?"

We parted on good terms, but I couldn't help but think how no matter who we are, or what we believe we are all searching for answers in today's uncertain times.

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