Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Begin A New

I have been very busy. With only 2 weeks of preparing for 4 classes including one that I am still shaping on Sustainable development I just have not had time to write about the many things I want to write about. But just for a moment now, before I plow back into work I would like to comment on what happened yesterday.

It was the first time in years that I saw a lot of hope on a lot of faces. It felt good. It brought tears to my eyes. While I had my doubts about this untried man, I have to admit I am impressed and that same hope lies in me. I want to believe. I want to trust again. It has been a long time coming.

For example, my son, who recently graduated from college, does not have a job now. He is angry and unable to get past the only thing he has known his adult life - a corrupt and lying administration that stood for everything he was taught not to believe in. I am certain there are others who are also suffering from that lack of faith and trust, others who have not ever had the chance to have a role model in our leadership (a word I use uneasily still) and think that some of the goodness of people and the hope of a better future will be theirs too. I hope that the healing will begin and that just establishing an administration of accountability and trust, no matter the trials that lay before us, will bring people like my son to realize the possibilities if we take hold of the power we do have (and I am not talking about hubris, beating on the chest, power) and work it to make America a new type of leader - a sustainable and healthy country where change for the better can happen for all, not just those who live by the "it's not personal, its business" motif. It is personal. The good, hard working, honest people who are squashed by those who have only economic profit in mind are the meek who will inherit the Earth. It is time for living by the triple bottom line and make the environment and social equity a part of business and let us all bathe in the light.

In his speech Obama mentions environment as part of all the equations and without saying so, opened the door to sustainability and a new manufacturing era, with far less waste and pollution. That is of course what I read into it, but I may not be alone.

I too have hope. God bless America, but not just America alone. God must bless us all and lead us to the next level of our destiny. It will be so good to finally have the space to hope again.