Saturday, October 25, 2008

EMUbikes at EMU

EMUbikes comes on Campus!

After months of storage by students and the help of the Ypsilanti Police Department we moved the first bikes for EMUbikes on campus Thursday.

Student help made this all happen and we should all be proud of these students who care about making EMU a healthier and more sustainable campus. By implementing the program we will reduce greenhouse gas emissions, open up parking areas for those who live far from campus, and begin a new realm of possibilities for traveling on campus.

The next step is to attract those who are interested in bicycling to help with maintenance and repair for our spring grand opening. We have a space on campus now to work and are eager to find new recruits to work with us, as well as train those who would like to know more about bikes. Please contact this blog if you have interest is working to make EMUbikes a reality.

We also need to find donors who can help us set up our permanent shop in the spring. We need everything! Tires, tubes, locks, helmets, tools, compressor, bike stands, lubricants, shift cables, work bench, vise, and bike specific tools. Yikes! Anyone who has access or knows of tools available please let us know through this blog. Same if you are interested in making EMU a greener campus and would like to donate money to EMUbikes to purchase this equipment.

It is a small step to being greener, but we are moving in the right direction.
So many bikes! So little money, but we will prevail. Believe.

Monday, October 20, 2008

After the hiatus

One lonely bike awaiting refurbishing for EMUbikes. More to come this week!

Still working on sustainable issues. Really not much has happened at the school, but there are some hopeful signs.

EMUbikes seems to be taking shape, and people are riding more bikes generally on campus. We need more bike racks! There is hope as students begin to find the way to sustainability.

We actually got some temporary space last week. the photo is of my bike holding down the fort until we can get transport to transfer the bikes in Jen's yard and at Ypsi police to the space. Then learning how to fix bikes. I have learned a little over the past few weeks, but a long way to go, and a lot to learn. It is hard when we have such limited time and funds. We might have some interested alumni funds, but first I have to make a business plan, and I just don't have that much spare time to first learn what a business plan is, and then to actually write it. But if you want something done, give it to a busy person.